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Friday, December 6, 2013

Pinterest in the Classroom 

Pinterest is such a unique place that has a variety of categories to choose from. With Pinterest having such an assortment of activities to choose from. Pinterest is my new addiction for finding fun crafts to do and ideas for gifts. With the wide topics I found it easy to find creative classroom activities to which i could do in my future classroom. This is also good for when you need to find lesson plans, classroom games and so much more. The most unique thing about it is that a lot of the pins are posted by other teachers.
This project has taught me their are so many ways you can make a fun creative way for students to understand the material put in front of them.
I completed the activity to show you how it is done. I used all of the materials listed below and i am so happy with the way it turned out.

Holiday Picture

This is such a cute and fun project for students. This will allow the teacher know if the students have a clear understanding of shapes. This project is based off geometric shapes that are used in everyday life. 
Step1: Materials
  • Glue 
  • Scissors 
  • Construction Paper
  • Pencil 
  • Ruler 

Step 2: Cut out the six shapes that have to be put in the holiday picture 
To begin the student needs to think of a holiday scene they want to create. They need to be creative with their choice. To make the project successful the student has to have all the required shapes in their picture. They are graded on if they had all the required shapes. 
  • Circle 
  • Square
  • Rectangle 
  • Triangle 
  • Oval 
  • Star

Step 3: Gluing on the design 
In this step the student is supposed to start to glue on the shapes they have cut out to make their holiday picture

 Step 4: The finished product
This is where the student finishes the project they are proud of. here is an example of the one I did.

Hope you enjoy

Here is the link to my lesson plan for is project
Holiday Picture! 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Web 2.0 Tools For Teacher and Student Use
1.Slides with a Twist
Biteslide is a Web 2.0 app that allows students and teachers to add twists to once boring and non creative learning materials. The Biteslide can turn a boring slide show into a interesting piece of learning material that keeps students interested . That is just not all it does: it allows you to make journals and presentations just to name a few more interesting. The way i could use this in the classroom is to have a slideshow tailored towards the curriculum we are studying, but has a twist on it to keep my students interested. This is such an exciting, fun, and creative tool that can make any project that can be created on the web fun. I can not wait to use this in my classroom.

Easy Student Publishing is a fun way for kids to take a piece of writing that will be published. There are plenty of projects to choose from while following the Common Core Standards. This Web 2.0 tool encourages creativity and using proper writing and grammar. My students will be using this tool with my help to create a book that will be published and shown to the school. Each student will have to go through the process to create a book. This is such a great tool that allows students to express their thoughts and feelings through a story.

This tool is great when writing papers with organizing your data by using diagrams or webs. This Web 2.0 tool allows student to organize their train of thought into neat and organized webs. When getting started all you have to-do is type in a sentence that is comparing or saying something about two things into the box and hit enter and the web start to form before your eyes. In my classroom I will use this as a tool to help students see how easy it is to brainstorm and watch their thoughts create a web in which they can use to start writing. I will make them pick two topics and tell them to start to type in the topics one at a time and see which they can come up with more information.

 Scribble maps is a great tool when you need a map that you want to create your own path. It allows you to draw and add things to a map that you might need. You can add text and share the maps with people as well through Google. In the classroom I will use this when introducing maps and how to read them. The students can also get involved by being able to have hands on experience with the tool on a smart board or computer depending on where we are when this assignment is introduced.

This a website that is fun for all ages. the teacher can create lessons, the student can come here to watch videos or read articles that a kid friendly. There also other kid friendly links to other websites they can use. In the classroom I will use this a tool to help create lesson plans for the year. I will also assign a lesson where the student will have to go to this website a read and article that I have chosen

This tool is another way in which you can create webs that are creative and good learning materials. it allows you to load a picture or just type the word and it is simple top add information to. IT allows you to create up to five Pooplets free.  In the classroom I will tell my students that this a great website to Take your thoughts and organize them neatly. This would be a great tool for my students to use

This is a great website for teachers to show to students so they can have a way to maybe put what they have learned to work or get a better understanding. This is also great for parents to maybe refresh on what your student is learning. The teacher can use this website to get handouts for numerous subjects. in the classroom I will allow my students to use this website to learn in a fun way. I will also find handouts over the subject we are studying in the class

Haiku Learning is a virtual classroom centered around content that allows the teacher to create a online classroom. In the virtual classroom the teacher can put up assignments so that the students can complete and hand in online. The teacher now can spend more time teaching and less time looking for things that a student has lost or did not do they can turn it in over the web. This will work in my classroom because I could use it for parents. I can post up incoming assignments or paper work that parents can fill out for their students. I could also post videos that students need to watch at home.

This is a Wed 2.0 tool that allows a teacher to redesign her room without having to get up. It allows you to make the virtual room look like your very own classroom then. When you have made your decision on what you think you want your classroom to look like, it allows you to print it out to have a copy in your hands. In my classroom I will use it to form creative groups for students to sit in and see if I like them before I decide to move anybody. It will allow me to see what will work and what will not in my class room.

This website talks about inventors and allow the student to play and invent. This website has puzzles and cool games that allow the student to invent things. This website also has a tab that allows students to read up on the history of who invented things we use to-do. In my classroom I might use this as a tool for kids to have to research about a well know inventor. Then I will tell them that they need to invent something on the page and then bring in a small replica of the invention.
If the links don't work in the title here are the same links that you came use instead.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Social Networking

The article,"The Effects of Social Media on Children ", I read was talking about the social media effect on kids. The article gives positives and negatives of social media. The article is a great read for parents that want a little incite into how social media effects kids. I found the article interesting.
The other article I read was published in the New York Times entitled," Antisocial Effects of Social Media  ", talks about the effects of how we use social media as communication and we use this as way to talk.  These articles are both great reads. I have posted links to the websites if you wish to read. Get informed about social media.

Social Media is a great way to talk, but people are starting to lose their ability to talk to people in person. Social media in my life has ruined so many friendships, because they find the need to put business out there before talking to me about it. This is where I draw the fine line over social media. do not put how you feel about me on the Internet, because that just makes you look bad. I have made a point not to put anything I do not want people to know out for the world to see. I love social media, but it can be very harmful and can cause things to happen that would not otherwise occur. Social media is a huge part in my life, but I have to watch how much I use it. Do not lose a friendship or relationship over the web watch what you do.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hi! My name is Lauren Sloan, I am attending Henderson State University, where I am pursuing a study in the education field. I love to dance, sing, and listen to music. I love my family with all my heart, they are my rock and support system when I need them. I have two loving parents and a older brother. I have lived in three different states. I was born in Texas moved to Louisiana, moved back to Texas. The third state I have lived in is Arkansas, where I attend college   I chose to enter the education field specifically the Early Childhood Education part is , because I want to help shape tomorrow and be that person who made a difference in somebodies life.  I have a strong passion for the arts. I have been apart of the arts since I was three years old where I started dance for the first time and have been hooked ever since. My blog is about my everyday lessons I have learned in life and what i wish to achieve in life. This blog will also be about the new experiences I have learned in life and my hobbies. I participate in the band at Henderson State University where I am on the Color Guard. This blog is about all my hobbies and goals I have in my life. I hope you enjoy!!!!!