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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Social Networking

The article,"The Effects of Social Media on Children ", I read was talking about the social media effect on kids. The article gives positives and negatives of social media. The article is a great read for parents that want a little incite into how social media effects kids. I found the article interesting.
The other article I read was published in the New York Times entitled," Antisocial Effects of Social Media  ", talks about the effects of how we use social media as communication and we use this as way to talk.  These articles are both great reads. I have posted links to the websites if you wish to read. Get informed about social media.

Social Media is a great way to talk, but people are starting to lose their ability to talk to people in person. Social media in my life has ruined so many friendships, because they find the need to put business out there before talking to me about it. This is where I draw the fine line over social media. do not put how you feel about me on the Internet, because that just makes you look bad. I have made a point not to put anything I do not want people to know out for the world to see. I love social media, but it can be very harmful and can cause things to happen that would not otherwise occur. Social media is a huge part in my life, but I have to watch how much I use it. Do not lose a friendship or relationship over the web watch what you do.


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